Welcoming 2016

No matter how old you get, you still want to do start the new year with new plans or just by doing simple things to start the new year. Here is some to do list for 2016

1 Spring Clean your room
Giveaway old books. Clean up those stuff that you have been accumulating for the past one year. Pack those unworn cloths and give it to charity.

2 Get yourself a 2016 planner
I find keeping a planner helps me stay on track with things and keeps me organized. I have 2 planners, the traditional notebook and also a planner on my phone. Kinda old-skool and much prefer writing down stuff especially if I'm at a cafe or somewhere.

3 Start a savings account
If you don’t have one already. Every year I tell myself to save a certain amount of money or wish to have a certain amount of money in my savings account.This account can be your travel account, emergency account or even for your old age. It doesn't matter if its just RM50 a month.

4 Travel
Traveling is a must for everyone. I'm not saying you have to travel to Europe or even the States, local or Asian countries will do fine.  Traveling can be an eye opener and it actually helps you grow and understand the world better. My trip to Phnom Pehn recently was a super eye opener for me.
Anyway I  recently booked some 2016 holiday. knowing when and where i'll be traveling  gives me  plenty of time to save up and plan for the year. (Shall blog about my holiday plans in the next entry)

5 Be positive
It’s the new year! This is the best time to let go of the negativities in 2015 and bring nothing but positivity in 2016. Just declare to yourself that 2016 will be an awesome year for you and hopefully, it will!


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