The confusing Kiss

The Forehead Kiss
It's an unspoken promise a real man makes to always value, respect, treasure and honor his woman. Kissing a woman at the top of her soul can be so peaceful and comforting to her. It's letting her know she can leave her entire heart under your care. It's letting her know no one comes before her. It's letting her know you are writing your name in stone to be her knight and shining armor forever. It's letting her know she can feel safe and protected around you. It's letting her know that you love her enough to accept her flaws, her past and whatever other things she may feel like warrant her of being unlovable or too difficult to embrace. It's a promise you keep reaffirming every time your lips touch her temple."
And now you can see why this is one confusing kiss. Kiss me on the lips or on the cheek I'm fine but the minute its that kiss on the forehead its a totally different ball game. 

I know there is nothing going on between us (which i shall blog about this in another post) but I have to admit,i did lose  a few night sleep over this. 

Kissing on the lips is very sensual, kissing on the cheek is a friendly kiss, kissing on the forehead it means something else..... Why can it be so easy? 


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