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Ok so yes, lately my blogs has been  basically on some song lyrics or some Youtube videos and so on and nothing much about life in general. 

So here is the quick updates on some things that has been happening in the month of July and August! First and foremost!!! Yours truly have signed up for a run!!! Yeap! and the run will be on 25 September (which is like 24 days away) and its for a 12KM run! Im so gonna DIE DIE and DIE!!! like Die!!!..time to start RUNNING!!! and working on that STAMINA of mine! 

July was a pretty quiet month for me, with it being a fasting month and all and well I have to say, the fasting month was kinda good for me despite some ridiculous  work deadline and all. But it was a good challenging month. And owhhh I was also back in Bali for the Hari Raya break which was awesome! my 9th time and my second trip for this year. Its nice to be back to a familiar place. It was also our first time in Bali for Raya and let me tell you, the traffic is kinda horrific (but i will blog about that in my travel blog). 

July was also my birthday month! My favourite month of the year where I can literally be mengada2 and talk non stop about my birthday! A year older, definitely wiser in some areas (less so in some) and I think I have definitely change in a good, adult, matured way! 
So yeah it was a good month for reflecting about life and all and getting my life in order. I guess I know what I want now and I also know what need to be done. Work wise, I've updated my resume (after leaving it idle for 4 years) and started sending out to non banking organisations and start to plan our the rest of my career years. as for families, i've been spending more time with them and trying to make time for my mom and all on weekends so thats a bit of juggling in term of time management. And last but not least... Love life... errrr ... thats another long story...... Truthfully........ I'm not to sure where i am at in term of my relationship. I think i havent blog about this one person that I'm into before, Nicknamed Maggi. Anyway, we met on tinder a few months back, I think it was in April and we've been seeing, talking , messaging each other since then and it has been almost 6 months. Do i like him? YES, am i seeing anyone else? Nope. But i have to admit, when it comes to him, I'm like a school kid who doesnt know whats happening.... remember i had blog about the type of guy that i'm into, well he checked most of it except for one crucial one which is "manjaness" like those close to me know i love being pampered and manja and "mengada-gada" which is the opposite of what he does to me. Its like i will never get an answer to Do you miss me? .... AND OMG like seriously, i do miss him... like its ridiculous. Anyway, enough of me ranting on about my love life.

One hot news is... my ex boyfriend is getting a divorce! Ok so we broke up like 9 years ago probably after being together for 3 years since uni days and we are still on good terms and after those initial awkward moments, we became best friends. So anyway, because of my birthday, we went out for brunch last sunday and we were talking about relationship... me with my guy problem and all and he told me he was seperated from his wife and in the process of getting a divorce. My only word of advice was "Do what you think is best"... and i meant YOU and not other people because yes we all can give advice and all but at the end of the day its not our life, its that person life.... As hard as it is to tell someone that you can no longer be together (for whatever reason) its better to do it now when there is less at stake...........


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