Part 1- Surgery of the year
A while back, 6 months ago to be exact i had an MRI done for my spinal. It was suppose to be a normal routine check where i was doing it to see the progress of my treatment and when the result came i found out that my back was getting better bvut however they saw a growth in my uterus. Technically it wasnt really a growth it was actually a uterine fibroid. With everything that was going on, i decided to postponed the checkup for it to May.
Came May, i went to see a gynea and unfortunetly i was told that it has grown to big for any other treatment apart from surgery and becuase of the size i had to have an open surgery instead. AS much as i was worried and scared, i put on a brave face and told my mom that i wanted to have the surgery and i wanted it to be done ASAP.
SO the surgery was scheduled 4 days after my first check-up and to be done by Doctor Maziah from Damansara Specialist Hospital.
However, i had to postponed my surgery. So many people around me suggested so many things, taking pills, postponing it because it will shrink, get a second opinion and truthfully, all i wanted to do was get it over and done with. So to please everyone, i did some calling and had a second refereral and again the doctor told me i had to have the surgery and it was rescheduled to the week after.
The thing is, not many people know but i am a very stubborn person. Its very hard for me to change my mind once i have set on something. Deep down i wanted the surgery but it was kinda hard to convince everyone that i was making the right choice. I know they had good intentions but sometimes if you have to do it you just have to do it.
It was already hard for me because the only time that i can just break down and worry was when i am alone. Yes i did cry, in fact i cried twice because i myself was worried about the surgery and what was going to happen. I stopped reading the internet (which is something that i will tell everyone who thinks they can find more information) even my chiroractor told me, dont listen to anyone, dont read the internet just listen to your doc.
Came May, i went to see a gynea and unfortunetly i was told that it has grown to big for any other treatment apart from surgery and becuase of the size i had to have an open surgery instead. AS much as i was worried and scared, i put on a brave face and told my mom that i wanted to have the surgery and i wanted it to be done ASAP.
SO the surgery was scheduled 4 days after my first check-up and to be done by Doctor Maziah from Damansara Specialist Hospital.
However, i had to postponed my surgery. So many people around me suggested so many things, taking pills, postponing it because it will shrink, get a second opinion and truthfully, all i wanted to do was get it over and done with. So to please everyone, i did some calling and had a second refereral and again the doctor told me i had to have the surgery and it was rescheduled to the week after.
The thing is, not many people know but i am a very stubborn person. Its very hard for me to change my mind once i have set on something. Deep down i wanted the surgery but it was kinda hard to convince everyone that i was making the right choice. I know they had good intentions but sometimes if you have to do it you just have to do it.
It was already hard for me because the only time that i can just break down and worry was when i am alone. Yes i did cry, in fact i cried twice because i myself was worried about the surgery and what was going to happen. I stopped reading the internet (which is something that i will tell everyone who thinks they can find more information) even my chiroractor told me, dont listen to anyone, dont read the internet just listen to your doc.
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