Simply in love...

with my new camera :D

Love Love Love

I finally manage to save up enough money for my own camera (actully this is my 3rd timke), its the Olympus SZ-14! and was created for travellers (just like me ? ).  i've been waiting for the past 2 months for it to arrive in KL  and last weekend i finally bought mine. Can you image calling those camera shop almost everyday harrasing them?. Well thats what i did :D

i did my reseach almost everyday for 2 weeks until i decided that this is the perfect camera for me. Its light, functionable and cheap! 

& once i have minimize the content of my handbags, i am definetly going to be bringing it along everywhere i go and start making it a habit to take picture

True to my belief that i dont really need an expensive fancy camera.

For more details check out their website:


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